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3 Ways to Help Pay Down Your Student Loan Debt

July 21, 2014

1) You can cut the interest rate on your federal student loans by 0.25 percentage points immediately with one simple step. Sign up to make your monthly loan payments via automatic debit, and your interest rate drops. It’s that easy.

2) You can extend your repayment period on your federal loans. Borrowers who have $30,000 or more in federal loans can choose the extended repayment plStudent-Debt1an, which lowers your monthly bill by lengthening the repayment period to as long as 25 years.

3) You can make smaller federal student-loan payments — and even have some of your debt forgiven — if you don’t earn much money. Income-based repayment plans, such as Pay As You Earn, are available for borrowers who have a lot of debt relative to income. The plans allow you to put 10% of your “discretionary” income (the amount by which your income exceeds 150% of the poverty line) toward your loans over 20 years, after which any remaining amount is forgiven.

By the editors of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, July 21, 2014

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